Cornish Churches


Welcome to my Cornish Churches Web Site.


I have spent most of my life studying church history and in particular church architecture and started photographing them in 1999.


My original intention was to record details of churches in Cornwall and for the first years of what has now become a lifetime project, I concentrated on photographing the exterior only, however in recent years I have photographed items of interest within the buildings themselves, there are now nearly 1100 churches on this site, although over a third of them are in Cornwall. As at April 2016, I have photographed 317 Anglican Churches in the County and still have 67 interiors to photograph although 18 of these are no longer accessible and so these will not be added.


I have photographed churches all over England stretching from Sennen in the far South West, to Lanercost in the North West and Newcastle in the North East. The site is constantly evolving and where possible I will constantly be adding new churches.


At present, the site is mainly photographic, but over time, I will be adding notes on the history of the churches and so please revisit the site during the coming months and review it's progress.


All of the images in this site are my own work, I do not watermark them as I like to make them available on a 'freeserve' basis and have been delighted that some people have already made use of them. If any of them are being used in the public domain, I would appreciate an email to acknowledge.

I would like to thank all of those people who have either assisted or encouraged the creation of this site, particularly John Enderson and Helen Venables who have both given much time and assistance particularly with the technical construction of the site, thank you especially.


If you wish to make any comments, requests or suggestions, please contact me on the link below.